Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New York Television Festival –16 September

This one kind of snuck up on me. I found out on my Friday play on the internet that the New York Television Festival was on, and that there was a series of 3 lectures on not too far from our place on Saturday about breaking into TV – which gave me something to do!

I made it down to the place and attended all three – the first, Development 101 was pretty interesting but largely useless. The second, Production 101 was very interesting and dealt with a lot of practicalities of filming and getting your script produced, while the third, Agents 101 was the most interesting of all.

Three agents took the stage and talked about the business, how to get represented and what to do to make yourself get noticed. The key things in this area were to write, network and write some more. Nothing else will really matter. One agent who represents a few of the Lost writers, amongst others, was particularly useful – he suggested that the best thing to do was to set goals for yourself – in one year, I want to have done this, this and this.

Its good advice and some that I’ve taken to heart. I‘m writing and thinking about what I really want to do with it. It may be ten years later than it should be, but at least now I’m really considering how to take the next steps, which is something that I didn’t do before.
It was four or five hours well spent for me – very well spent.

And I had no idea that show creators could make so much money. Apparently a new show creator – ie one who hasn’t had a show on before – can expect 7.5 points of the show. To put that in context, House, which is currently airing its third season over here, is generating about $8million per point.

Do the math on that…


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