Tuesday, October 03, 2006

First day of Work – 11 September

Only I could start a job in the financial centre of New York about 3 blocks from the WTC site on the fifth anniversary of 9/11.

Luckily, I was on a course for the first two days of work so I didn’t get caught up in all the memorial stuff (although the bits I saw on TV were very moving, even more so now that we actually live here and can see the site on a regular basis.

We had a meal out at some restaurant in the village the first night – great food and good wine, so that was a nice way to ease into the role.

Work itself was okay, and in the three weeks since I’ve started to settle in - although I’m not convinced yet that the job is actually that challenging. Regardless, it gets me experience in print and media, and that’s what I want right now.

Anyway I'm now settling into the office:

Plus the view from my desk right now is great…


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