Philharmonic in the Park
Anyway, last night was the last night of the New York Philharmonic in Central Park, so We went along with our friends Rich and Maisha, meeting at the 81st street entrance at 6.30 - or that was the plan...
Gill's train was delayed and Rich was working late so I met Maisha at about 6.45 and we headed to the park; to say the last few days were hot is an understatement. Temperatures have been pushing 100F and - unfortunately - I have become quite the sweaty man, so by the time I walked from home to 81st I was dripping (literally!) with sweat.
Anyway, we got to the park and set up the blankets, played with Rich and Maisha's dogs Kai and Sasha and settled in - and it was BUSY - and I took the photos to prove it!

They're supposed to be in line, but that never works on this stupid thing...
Anyway, Rich showed up roundabout 7.45 (and aren't the dogs cute little things? I'm still not entirely convinced they're real dogs, but they'll do in a pinch).
Gill didn't get there till 9.00ish after a train journey from hell. But the Park was still busy, the Philharmonic were very good (what you could hear over the buzz of the people) and everything was going well. The band stopped playing around 9.30 or 9.45, and then there were some fireworks (behind us so we couldn't see thanks to the trees!) and then...
The heavens opened. All that humidity that had been around produced a huge, huge thunderstorm. Big cracks of thunder, forked lightning and rain that soaked everyone almost instantly.
The entire park ran for cover under the trees (probably not the best idea in a lightning storm) until they were moved along by police - and it became clear that this wasn't going to pass. Thousands - literally thousands - of people trudged out of Central Park towards the subway.
We said bye to Rich, Maisha and the very bemused dogs and got the subway back to 66th, changing at Columbus Circle. The platforms were swimming with water, and everyone was drenched to the skin, but everyone was in a really good mood - you just can't help but laugh at these things.
When we got on the train - the entire car just filled instantly - a few horrified dry people on board (who must have avoided the rain by being on the subway) leaned in and stared at these soaking, laughing people. One girl whispered to another, shocked: "They're all drunk!"
Not quite but we did feel like a glass of water. And just to prove it...(and yes, the wet shirt does make me look fat!)
Even so, a good night!