Thursday, March 30, 2006

Survey done...

..and he didn't seem to make too many tutting noises which is always a good thing.

Fingers crossed that it'll come back okay - and quickly!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another one, eh??

I've just found out that there's a blog on Blogger called 'Englishman In New York' that seems to have been running for a while...and it's not by me!

Obviously, this is a tad upsetting but not really surprising. Ah well, I'm sure that eventually he'll find out.

Also mysteriously this blog doesn't show up on Blogger's search - maybe because it streams off to another site?

And about that site - I realise that it's all hidden and stuff because it's hosted through another site, so if anyone can tell me how to get rid of the addresses on the bottom bar that'd be great!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Sale back on!

Good news - the buyers went round to the estate agents yesterday and everything seems to be progressing. We should have a survey done sometime next week. All good!

Last night Gill and I went for dinner with Tom, her new boss. Really nice guy - potentially may be able to pass my name on to someone in the US who might throw some work my way.

Fingers crossed!

It all seems very very real now...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Rassum Frassum....

So the buyers who were supposed to go to the estate agents last night didn't.

And now they're supposed to have gone this afternoon at 4pm, after which the estate agent was supposed to phone.

So as its now past six, does that mean that they didn't show but she forgot to call? Or does it mean they did show but she didn't get a chance to call before going home?

Whatever it is, can't someone just put me out of my misery?

Wanna buy a house?

There's a lot out there...

...I mean really.

Have you seen all this blog stuff that's out there?

Man, I guess I know how I'm spending the last few weeks at work...


This house-selling business is driving me mad!

Between slow buyers and gormless estate agents, it's a wonder that anything gets done at all!

The saga continues....

Friday, March 17, 2006

Blog tramp! And house stuff...

It's official. I'm a blog tramp. I've created another geek side has just this minute manifested itself at the ComicByComic blog becasue I wanted this blog to stay focused on how life in New York goes...if we ever get there.

On that front we accepted an offer on the house yesterday - a bit less than asking but a lot more than we expected three weeks ago. This is great news - but I won't quite believe it till it happens.

And maybe not even then.

And I'm really, really bored at work...not to mention kind of on edge. I think the stress of everything (getting married, quitting job, selling house, moving overseas) is finally beginning to manifest itself by me taking everything the wrong way and getting very easily wound up about absolutely nothing. On the other hand, I think Gill is feeling the same way - so you can imagine how we're rubbing each other up the wrong way!

You know, it's probably a good job that no one is reading this...I would be in soooo much trouble for that!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Woo hoo!

And it looks like it actialy might be after an hour of faffing around!

But we'll see if this page turns up!

Testing, testing...

Just a quick test to see if the new blog is working!